It includes all intervention-related materials, such as guidelines, reports, or resources, stored as PDF files, making it easier for users to access and manage these documents for reference or implementation purposes.
It includes all intervention-related materials, such as guidelines, reports, or resources, stored as PDF files, making it easier for users to access and manage these documents for reference or implementation purposes.
Interventions Under this category
Facts on Pneomonia Leaflet
causes of pneomonia, signs and symptoms on pneomonia
Childhood Cancer-retinoblatoma
Major childhood Eye Diseases
Childhood Dieseases- Retinoblastoma
Childhood Dieseases- retinoblastoma (cue cards)
Flamily Planning Flip Chart
differents contraceptive methods, short term, long term and permenent
Ante Natal Care
Men, go with your partners to ANC
ANC -muslim
Ante natal care. Men, go with your partners to ANC .As soon as you discover she is pregnant
Breast Feeding
Exclusive breastfeeding
Breast Feeding
Breast feeding. Male involvement
Family Planning
Family planning methods
Family Planning (muslim)
FAMILY PLANNING POSTER (MUSLIM VERSION. demonstration of family planning method
Safe Motherhood
Pregnancy, danger signs, nutrition