The Health Promotion Social and Behavior Change Repository
The Ghana Health Service has over the years produced a wide range of technically sound and diverse set of health communication materials, tool kits, documentaries, and audio/video programs with support from a wide variety of partners and organizations. This Repository provides a one-stop platform for key stakeholders such as; Social and Behaviour Change practitioners and professionals, partner organizations academicians, researchers and students to access current, relevant, culturally sensitive and approved Social and Behavior Change (SBC) materials.
The Health Promotion SBC Repository is an on-line platform that hosts a broad range of selected high quality SBC materials produced and approved in the health sector of Ghana. The SBC repository is linked to GHS website and GHS/GoodLife social media platforms. The repository covers a spectrum of print, audio, and audio-visual materials, including posters, flyers, job aids, TV commercials, radio spots, jingles, and documentaries.
The Health Promotion Division of Ghana Health Service in collaboration with USAID Accelerating Social and Behavior Change Activity has revamped the previously deployed repository; with improved features to enhance storage, retrieval and access to approved SBC materials.
Health Promotion Division
The Health Promotion Division (HPD) as presently constituted was established in April 2019 with a mandate to provide a sustained Health Promotion services that will contribute to improving health and wellbeing in line with the health sector goal of ensuring a healthy and productive population capable of reproducing itself safely.
The HPD is headed by a Director with three deputies heading departments as follows:
Health Communication Department
Advocacy and Social Mobilization Department
Research and Healthy Policy Department
Each department is headed by a Deputy Director who reports directly to the Divisional Director. There are two units in each department and the unit heads report to their respective Deputy Directors. The repository is situated within the Health Communication Department of the HPD.